

Perpetrator Awareness Programme (PAP)



Our courses are delivered by fully DBS checked staff. Please contact us for our safeguarding policy.

We have male and female employees, all ex police officers with collectively, over 100 years of safeguarding experience including domestic abuse, child protection and management of sex offenders and violent offenders.

They have completed 100’s of risk assessments and are trained in asking the “difficult” questions and assessing risk.

We require a background report from the statutory agencies before we can meet with the client. We aim to spend an hour with the client, asking pertinent questions and completing our risk assessment. We will email you our findings and the rationale behind it. Please email or phone for costings


Perpetrator Awareness Programme (PAP) will be available from the end of June 2021. It will be the responsibility of the referring agency to refer their client to the course following risk assessment. Please email for further information

Perpetrator Awareness Programme (PAP)

The Perpetrator Awareness Programme covers subjects as follows (This course will be bespoke based on the clients needs) What is domestic abuse, what is a healthy relationship, power and control, triggers, drugs learnt behaviour, Impact of domestic abuse, boundaries and trust, characteristics of a perpetrator, controlling our emotions and moving forward.

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Safempowerment is a member of

Association of Child Protection Professionals
Safempowerment © 2025 | Registered Charity No. 1198028