

Escape The Trap

Teenage relationship abuse programme


Our courses are delivered by fully DBS checked staff. Please contact us for our safeguarding policy.

This is an 8 week programme working with young people who have been identified as having witnessed domestic abuse, being vulnerable to teenage relationship abuse, unhealthy relationships or who are putting themselves at risk of child exploitation.

My goal is to work with 8 girls over an 8 week period in school, colleges or on a  one to one basis for approximately 1 – 1.5 hours a week, depending on their current lessons times and availability. Escape the trap is aimed primarily at 13-16 years of age.

The programme addresses the following issues:

Emotional Abuse

The switching of tactics

Sexual coercion and abuse

Feeling isolated and alone

Young people’s expectations of their intimate relationships

The behaviors and beliefs of those who treat them badly

How to identify such behavours early in a relationship

Feeling guilty and to blame for what is happening to them

How this behavior impacts the way young people might feel about themselves

As part of this course there will be exercises to be completed each week involving working individually, in pairs or as a whole group. If I am working one to one this is adapted.

The programme has an accompanying workbook. Each week of the programme consists of:

Aims, objectives, discussion-based exercises, creative activities, self-reflection, homework/research and outcomes.

An outline of the programme is as follows:

Week 1

The Friend

Week 2

The Controller

Week 3

The Bully

Week 4

The Mind Mixer

Week 5

The Taker

Week 6

The Keeper

Week 7

The Charmer

Week 8

Warning signs

Rates for Escape The Trap training vary depending on whether its group or one to one work. Please email for further details.

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