

Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding advice and awareness in sports clubs, scouts, brownies and any other organisations.


Our courses are delivered by fully DBS checked staff. Please contact us for our safeguarding policy.

We are able to offer safeguarding advice and run courses in safeguarding awareness in sports clubs, scouts, brownies and any other organisation.


I think for too long we have always spoken to adults about safeguarding but who speaks to the children about what is right and wrong and who to report too? As an organization we believe that children should have the knowledge within a safe and fun environment.


Many organizations keep all their safeguarding “In house”, which we have found makes it harder for somebody to report wrongdoing, especially a child. we are looking to change this so that groups can be more transparent with an independent point of contact for children and adults to report too.


We run groups in different age groups: 8-11 years, 12-17 years, adults and additional training for the independent point of contact.


We provide support to the independent point of contact with signposting and a flow chart to help when incidents are reported.


Although this is a serious matter we aim to bring some fun to the groups especially in the younger age groups


Please contact us for more information and prices

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Safempowerment is a member of

Association of Child Protection Professionals
Safempowerment © 2025 | Registered Charity No. 1198028