Facts !
Alarming Facts & Statistics

NSPCC reports that 33% of girls and 16% of boys reported some form of sexual abuse within a relationship.
25% of girls (same proportion of adult woman) and 18% of boys reported some form of physical abuse in a relationship.
75% of girls and 50% of boys reported some form of emotional abuse in a relationship
5500 sex crimes were reported in UK schools over a 3 year period including 600 rapes!
A poll undertaken in 2006 by “End violence against women” found that 40% of young people had felt pressurized to have sex.
Young people who are/have been abused are 4 to 6 times more likely then non abused girls to become pregnant during their teenage years. (1)
Research has also identified that teenage relationship abuse is associated with a range of adverse outcomes for young people including mental health, depression and suicide.
Chief Constable, Simon Bailey, head of Child Protection at the National Police Chiefs Council states “I fear that the figures may merely be the tip of the iceberg”
(1) Ewan Palmer – International Business Times 6.9.15
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