Recovery Tool Kit
Adult, Children and Young Peoples Adverse Childhood Experiences
Our courses are delivered by fully DBS checked staff. Please contact us for our safeguarding policy.
Recovery tool kit can be undertaken on a one to one basis or as a small group setting. The course is once a week for 8 weeks and runs for 1-11/2 hours depending on client’s availability.
This course is for adults, children and young people who have or are experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
What are ACE’s
ACE’s are serious childhood traumas that result in toxic stress that can harm a child’s brain. This toxic stress may prevent a child from learning, from playing in a healthy manner with other children and can result in long term health problems. In adult’s ACE’s can effect parenting.
Adverse Childhood Experiences can include:
Emotional Abuse
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Physical Neglect
Bullying, racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination
Mother Experiencing Domestic Abuse
Substance misuse in the home
Mental health illness in the home
Parental separation/divorce
Incarcerated household member
Recover tool kit offers trauma informed approach to inspire, hope and promote resilience and aid recovery. It provides an intervention that will, in turn, provide a foundation that aims to develop practical skills and build self-esteem and self-confidence.
The impact of high ACE’s affects how a person perceives themselves – self-esteem, self-image, how they interact with others (passively or aggressively) and how they cope with emotional pain (depression, anxiety, alcohol, drug use) and it can leave them with confusion about trust, boundaries and respectful relationships with both adult and children.
Person’s who have lived with ACE’s would have developed an unconscious coping strategy in coping with toxic stress on a daily basis. The purpose of us working with you child, young person or adult is to recognise the tremendous effort participants have made in keeping themselves as safe as possible whilst helping them to acknowledge that coping strategies used under duress may not be helpful in their recovery and development of a new life.
As part of this course there will be exercises to be completed each week involving working individually, in pairs or as a whole group. If we are working one to one this will be adapted.
Rates for Recovery Tool Kit vary depending on whether it is a group or one to one work. Please email for further information
Before working with any child or young person it is important that permission is gained from parent/care giver/guardian
An outline of the Adults programme is as follows:
Week 1
Introduction and general chat
Week 2
Protective Factors – Understanding ACE’s
Week 3
Understanding Toxic Stress
Week 4
Resilience and an introduction to self esteem
Week 5
Nurturing and attachment
Week 6
Protective factors: social connections, having family and friends and neighbours who are supportive and willing to help and listen
Week 7
Toxic Stress and how it affects us
Week 8
The effects of trauma on children (Don’t worry if you don’t have children, this week can be adapted)
Week 9
How to interact positively with each other and manage emotions and communicate feelings.
An outline of the 8-12 Years of age programme is as follows:
Week 1
Week 2
When we get upset
Week 3
Manage how we feel
Week 4
Staying safe
Week 5
Coping when we feel upset
Week 6
Being positive
Week 7
Looking after ourselves
Week 8
What now?
An outline of the 12-16 Years of age programme is as follows:
Week 1
Week 2
Safety and toxic stress
Week 3
Managing our emotions
Week 4
How to be connected
Week 5
Coping strategies
Week 6
Self-esteem and toxic stress
Week 7
Looking after ourselves
Week 8
What now?
Rates for Escape The Trap training vary depending on whether its group or one to one work. Please email for further details.
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